Why You Need to Act on Your Prayer

Is prayer enough? Do we need to do anything? Can we simply just have faith in God and let Him do everything for us?

Hello there friends! I’m Joshua and we are still in our Bible Study Series called, “The 7 Qualities of Effective Prayers.” Today, we are talking about the 6th quality, which is action prayer.

Your Role in Prayer

By action, what I mean is that you also do your part. Now, this is one of the most common deceptions. So many people pray to God and think that they don’t have a role to play in prayer. As a result, more often than not, their prayers weren’t answered and they either become depressed or get angry with God.

Now, here’s something we must understand: prayer is not something we do to turn God into a spiritual genie. While yes, we are commanded to simply put everything in God’s hands, it doesn’t mean that we don’t need to do something anymore.

Why Should Add Action to Our Prayer

The Importance of Adding Works in Faith

This old saying rings true today: “Do your best and God will do the rest.”

We read in James 2:14-17:

14 What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? 17 Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

You see, as Christians we should not simply be just all about talk and talk. We must also walk the talk. We should also do our part.

You can’t pray to God to help you in your exams when you yourself don’t study. You can’t expect God to bless you with good health when you abuse your body. You can’t expect God to bless you with good relationships with others when you don’t even spend time with your family.

As you can see, we have a role to play in our prayers and that’s where our actions come in.

Learn How to Transform Your Life Through Prayer in Just 21 Days! (Click here to learn more.)

Put Your Faith in Action

If you’re going to summarize my main point here, it is this: Put your faith in action. Your actions should reflect the content of your prayers. For instance, if you’ve prayed for guidance in making a decision, acting on your prayer would involve carefully considering your options, seeking wise counsel, and making a decision based on faith.

Acting on your prayers demonstrates your faith in God’s response. It’s a belief that God will answer your prayers and that your actions are a response to His guidance or intervention.

Acting on your prayers requires trusting in God’s plan and surrendering to His will. It means being open to His guidance and direction, even if it leads you down unexpected paths. In Summary, acting on your prayers is a demonstration of your faith, commitment, and trust in God’s response. Yes, we put everything in God’s hands, but at the same time, we also do our part in achieving the desires of our hearts with the guidance of our heavenly Father.

Join our Teach Us To Pray Course

I hope that helps and that you now have a better understanding of what it means to act on your prayer. If you wish to learn more about prayer, I highly recommend that you check out our best online course about prayer, “Teach Us to Pray.”

In this course, we will go through the Bible to discover the power of prayer, why we should pray, and how we should pray. You can join the course for FREE today.

That’s it for me. I’m Joshua Infantado of Becoming Christians Academy praying that our Heavenly Father will bless us with His love, truth, and grace. See you next time!

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About the Author

Joshua Infantado is the founder of the Becoming Christians website and the Becoming Christians Academy, an online course. Since 2013, he has been writing Christian articles, and he launched his own YouTube channel. Joshua is deeply passionate about sharing the Word of God and supporting people in their Christian journey.