Why You Should Not Do What Makes You Happy

In today’s world, we’re often bombarded with the message “Do what makes you happy,” as if personal happiness is the ultimate goal in life. But for Christians, that mindset can be toxic. Our calling isn’t just about chasing after what brings us momentary pleasure; it’s about something far deeper—glorifying God.

Think about it: Christianity isn’t always a walk in the park with sunshine and rainbows. It’s more like a journey filled with ups and downs, challenges, and sacrifices. It’s about rolling up our sleeves and dedicating ourselves to God’s purposes, even when it’s tough.

Sure, we all want to be happy, but happiness shouldn’t be our sole focus. Our lives are meant to reflect God’s glory, not just fulfill our own desires. That means sometimes making choices that aren’t necessarily easy or comfortable but are in line with God’s will.

So, instead of constantly chasing after what makes us feel good in the moment, let’s strive to do what brings honor to God. It’s about living with purpose, seeking His guidance, and trusting that true joy and fulfillment come from aligning our lives with His plans.

Now, here’s what I want you to understand. There’s nothing wrong about wanting to be happy. In fact, God WANTS us to be happy — but we must make sure that we do it the right way.

That’s why, I want to share with you, “The 5 Most Important Keys to Happiness According to Your Bible.” In this blog, you’ll understand how to be happy according to the Bible. Now, this happiness isn’t just short-term, but long-term joy, blessedness, and peace!

So, read this blog now and discover the godly way of getting happy!

(P.S. Do you want to live a blessed, zealous, and victorious life? If yes, join our “Inspiring Stories” online course. It teaches you the different principles of living a blessed life through awe-inspiring stories. Click here to learn more!)

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