Why “Be Yourself” Advice is Dangerous

You know, it’s interesting how the saying “Be yourself” has become so popular nowadays. It’s all about embracing who you are and expressing yourself freely. But when we look at it in light of God’s Word, there’s a deeper truth to consider.

Why "Be Yourself" Advice is Dangerous

In 1 Peter 1:16, God tells us something pretty powerful: “Be holy, for I am holy.” That’s a big ask, isn’t it? It’s like He’s calling us to live in a way that reflects His own goodness and purity. It’s a tall order, but it’s what He desires for us.

Now, compare that to “Be yourself.” Sure, it sounds empowering and all, but sometimes it can lead us down a path of self-centeredness, where our own desires and preferences take priority over everything else. It’s like putting ourselves on a pedestal instead of honoring God with our lives.

So, as Christians, it’s important to remember the difference between being true to who we are in Christ and just doing whatever feels right for us. Let’s strive to live in a way that reflects God’s holiness, even when it’s challenging. After all, that’s where true fulfillment and purpose are found.

If you want to learn more about things that we should stop believing and even saying, I highly recommend you read, “WARNING: 7 Surprising Things A Christian Should Never Say.” In this blog, you’ll discover what most Christians thought that are okay to mention but actually goes directly contrary to the Word of God. Click here to read the full blog.

P.S. The Bible tells us a lot of things about how we should communicate with each other. If you wish to learn more, check out one of our best online courses, “Inspiring Stories.” In this course, you’ll learn how to live a fulfilling, blessed, and victorious life through powerful anecdotes. Sign up today!

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