The 10 Best Christian Books of Priscilla Shirer (April 2024)

Are you looking for the best Priscilla Shirer Christian books in April 2024? If yes, then you came to the right place. In this post, we have gathered the 10 top books of Priscilla, their description, and why you should read them.

There are a lot of great, inspiring, and prolific Christian authors today and one of them is Priscilla Shirer. She has written a lot of books, hosted various talks and shows, acted in movies, and done a lot of projects.

With her wisdom, knowledge, and experience, it is not surprising to see how she has inspired millions of people, both Christians and non-Christians alike. So, if you are looking for new books to read or a new author to follow, then let it be Priscilla Shirer.

Who is Priscilla Shirer?

Armor of God Priscilla Shirer Book Review image
Who is Priscilla Shirer?

Born on December 31, 1974, Priscilla Shirer is the daughter of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship Church senior pastor Tony Evans. She finished her degree at Dallas Theological Seminary with a Master’s Degree in Biblical Studies.

Her desire to see every believer from every religion and culture experience the power of the Holy Spirit allows her to serve them by teaching the truths of the Scripture.

Priscilla has authored dozens of books and videos that foretell how great life is when it is lived accordingly to God’s will. 

She speaks throughout the world, sharing and spreading the Word of God. Her passion for television allowed her to incorporate it into a ministry, and now, she is one of the most influential and inspirational hosts and speakers.

Learn how to be inspired and motivated with the top ten books from one of the most motivational and inspirational best-selling authors, Priscilla Shirer.


Editor’s note: This list of books is intended to be used for informational purposes only. Moreover, I have my own fundamental beliefs that may differ from that of the authors, creators, and sellers of the products featured here. Moreover, you can also choose to read books I have written or enroll in my best online course. Ultimately, whatever books you choose in this list, make sure you study your Bible first because it is always the best of the best books of all time Here’s a list of Bibles that you should have. Finally, I am an Amazon Affiliate Program participant. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases at no additional cost to you. I would highly appreciate it if you buy books through my site. Thank you!

The best Christian books for April 2024

Comparison table of Priscilla Shirer Books

To give you a quick overview, you should check out this table that helps you compare the books of Priscilla Shirer. You can compare based on title, subtitle, rating, and reviews.

1FerventA Woman’s Battle Plan to Serious, Specific and Strategic Prayer4.9 out of 5
2Armor of God(Bible Study Book)4.8 out of 5
3Elijah(Bible Study Book)4.9 out of 5
4Discerning the Voice of GodHow to Recognize When God Speak4.8 out of 5
5Awaken90 Days with the God who Speaks4.8 out of 5
6God is AbleGod making the impossible possible4.8 out of 5
7The Resolution for WomenEmbrace and thrive in God’s beautiful and eternal calling4.8 out of 5
8GideonBible Study Book: Your Weakness. God’s Strength.4.8 out of 5
9DefinedTeen Girls’ Bible Study Book: Who God Says You Are 4.8 out of 5
10JonahNavigating a Life Interrupted (Bible Study Book)4.8 out of 5
The 10 Best Christian Books of Priscilla Shirer in April 2024

Now that you have an overview of the best books of Priscilla Shirer, here are now the books with their description, reviews, and why you should read them.

What are the top books of Priscilla Shirer in August 2022?
What are the top books of Priscilla Shirer in April 2024?

Top 1: Fervent

Fervent Priscilla Shirer Books
Fervent Priscilla Shirer Books
  • Subtitle: A Woman’s Battle Plan to Serious, Specific and Strategic Prayer
  • Publication date: August 1, 2015
  • Publisher: Crossway
  • Print length: 208 pages
  • Amazon rating: 4.9/5.0

Do you ever feel like losing to something and you don’t even know how to get up? Have you ever come to a point where you feel like you’re becoming disrupted, worthless and lost?

Well, it’s time you start picking up your sword and swing it back to the enemy. Now is your chance to strike back, with prayer, through faith. Sharpen your weapon with one of the best–selling books, Fervent, and win life’s battle with hope and courage. 

Top 2: Armor of God

  • Publication date: August 1, 2015
  • Publisher: Crossway
  • Print length: 192 pages
  • Amazon rating: 4.8/5.0

Every day we walk around vulnerable to any unwanted happenings that constantly appear when we least expect them to. We always strive in a battle we are not sure of winning. 

We always live our life unsure of what may occur. But now, there is something you can do about it, a weapon, a shield, an ARMOR.

Equip yourself with this book Armor of God and allow yourself to be embraced in safety with God’s power and love.

Top 3: Elijah

  • Subtitle: Faith and Fire
  • Publication date: January 4, 2021
  • Publisher: Lifeway Press
  • Print length: 224 pages
  • Amazon rating: 4.9/5.0

Every victory is built with a number of defeats, and a million of hard work and determination. Every success story is built with downfalls before rising up, and just like a sword, to become a strong weapon, we need to melt down into the fire, into the pit, before being forged.

Take a walkthrough of the life of prophet Elijah with this book Elijah, and discover how fiery faith and fortified spirit can forge your life into a meaningful one.

Top 4: Discerning the Voice of God

  • Subtitle: How to Recognize When God Speak
  • Publication date: January 1, 2017
  • Publisher: Lifeway Press
  • Print length: 208 pages
  • Amazon rating:4.8/5.0

Sometimes we get ourselves in a place where we don’t intend to; it’s because we lost our senses that we failed to hear the call we needed to answer.

Discover the root to clear communication with God through one of the best-selling books of Priscilla Shirer, Discerning the Voice of God. Learn to understand God’s voice through His word and experience a deeper relationship that will allow you to strengthen your daily walk with Him.

Top 5: Awaken

Grab your copy here!
  • Subtitle: 90 Days with the God who Speaks
  • Publication date: August 15, 2017
  • Publisher: Crossway
  • Print length: 368 pages
  • Amazon rating: 4.8/5.0

Get ready to be awakened by one of the best-selling books, Awaken, and get your spirits lightened up. Be prepared to be challenged and encouraged with fresh insights from God’s divine word through one of the best-selling authors, Priscilla Shirer!

The best Christian books for April 2024

Top 6: God is Able

  • Publication date: January 1, 2012
  • Publisher: B&H Books
  • Print length: 224 pages
  • Amazon rating: 4.8/5.0

We all have been in that situation when we are helpless and powerless. We feel like we can’t overcome the insurmountable problem that we face.

We feel we are not able.

However, do you know who is able?


That’s what this book is all about. In this book, God is Able, Priscilla explores the unlimited power of God and how He is able to deliver us from our problems, worries, and trials.

Learn how to better depend on God through this book!

Top 7: The Resolution for Women

  • Publication date: September 1, 2011
  • Publisher: B&H Books
  • Print length: 288 pages
  • Amazon rating: 4.8/5.0

Just as a man can do anything a woman can, a woman can also do things that any man can do, and that includes having the resolve to accept their responsibilities before God.

Be inspired by Priscilla Shirer’s book, The Resolution for Women, and find the meaning of being spiritually blessed. Be ready to live a Christ-centered life by joyfully honoring God as a wife, a mother – a family, and be a reflection of a faithful, unique, and purposeful woman.

Top 8: Gideon

  • Subtitle: Your Weakness. God’s Strength.
  • Publication date: May 1, 2013
  • Publisher: Lifeway Press
  • Print length: 176 pages
  • Amazon rating: 4.8/5.0

Where does strength come from? Is it through lifting heavy objects? Is it by winning a fight against someone? Or is it by overcoming something on your own?

Follow the life story of bible hero Gideon, one of the most inspirational books written by Priscilla. Learn how to overcome weakness and struggles by developing your own strength with undoubting faith. 

Unlock your potential by allowing God to turn your insecurities and weakness into your very own strength.

Top 9: Defined

  • Subtitle: Teen Girls’ Bible Study Book: Who God Says You Are
  • Publication date: August 1, 2019
  • Publisher: Lifeway Press
  • Print length: 192 pages
  • Amazon rating: 4.8/5.0

How would you define yourself? Have not there been a moment in your life when you come to question yourself, “Who Am I”?

You are what you want to be. But you can be someone greater if you allow God to be your designer.

Join Priscilla in her bible book Defined and discover who God says you are. Surrender yourself and allow Him to mold you to someone you are meant to be – reflecting God’s light into the world.

Top 10: Jonah

  • Subtitle: Navigating a Life Interrupted (Bible Study Book)
  • Publication date: January 1, 2010
  • Publisher: Lifeway Press
  • Print length: 157 pages
  • Amazon rating: 4.8/5.0

In life, there are times when we fail to have the things that we wanted. 

There are moments when we think we can have the result that we hope for but get the opposite.

There are always unexpected situations, interrupting us from getting what we have been trying to achieve.

Learn how to understand God’s interruption through the Story of Jonah, one of Priscilla’s motivational books. 

Be amazed and discover that God’s NO for your plan means YES for something greater.

Choose the best book by Priscilla Shirer in April 2024

There you have it; our list of the Priscilla Shirer Christian books. We know that there are just so many great books by Priscilla, but this list should give you a good idea of what would be suitable for you.

Still, having a hard time choosing what’s the best book to start with? Are you still confused as to where to begin?

If yes, you can start with the book, Fervent. We rated this book to be the best book by Priscilla Shirer because of the practical, insightful, and inspiring words of wisdom shared in the book. While it is a book written primarily for women, it is still a great book for everyone, young or old, male or female.

With that, we hope you will be inspired by the books of Priscilla in April 2024 and strengthen your faith that will lead you to eternal life!

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