“…for the laborer is worthy of his wages…” (Luke 10:7).

Joshua Infantado

If the content of this website benefits you, you can partner with me in a very meaningful and real way.

Though WordPress allows me to post my blogs with minimal cost, the time and energy to put together high-quality content are not free.

Your contributions directly help move me toward being able to write online full-time, while having the freedom to do so without censorship or influence.

There are at least five ways you can support the work I’m doing.

  1. Enroll in my helpful Becoming Christians course.
  2. Make a donation through PayPal.  Any amount will greatly be appreciated.
  3. Share the content of this website with your family and friends through social media.
  4. Buy anything on Amazon using my affiliate link. It won’t cost you any money, but it gives me a certain commission off the sale.
  5. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel.

Please help and support my website and magnify my voice by giving. Above all else, please pray for me, God’s people, His work, and His will to be done here on earth.

Thank you for considering.



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