Watch: The Missing Key to Increasing Your Faith

Jesus Christ (Yahshua) asked an important question when He was still here on earth:

“Will I find faith on the earth when I return” (Luke 18:8)?

Jesus knows that when He returns on earth, there’s a scarcity of faith even among so-called Christians.

So, how do you improve your faith? How can you develop an unshakable and steadfast faith? How can you ensure that your faith will endure until the coming of Christ?

The answer starts with one vital key and I have talked about that in my video entitled, “The first key to increasing your faith.”

If you wish to develop the faith that will lead to eternal life, I highly recommend you watch my video.

Plus, if you do, you will hear about an inspirational story that will surely leave you thinking and pondering upon your faith.

So, what are you waiting for?

Watch the video now!

P.S. If you like the video, you will also like the first chapter of my online course, Inspiring Stories. If you want to learn more about how you can become a more zealous servant of God, check out Becoming Christians Academy.

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