5 Stupid Reasons People Leave the Church

Over the years since I became part of the Church of God, I have seen people come and go. There is no doubt the true Church of God is not immune to division.

However, when I try to examine why people leave the Church, most of them, if not all, leave for the wrong reasons. I can think of many stupid ideas that had caused many people to make the wrong decision.

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Before I go any further, let me just be clear. There is a huge difference between leaving the church and leaving the organization. Yahshua (Jesus Christ) built His Church, and there’s only one true Church. When you leave that Church, then you are making the biggest mistake of your life. On the other hand, I have known a lot of people who leave an organization for some valid reasons.

With that being said, let’s proceed. In this post, let me share with you what I think are 5 stupid reasons people leave the Church.

5 Stupid Reasons People Leave the Church
5 Stupid Reasons People Leave the Church

1. They leave the Church because someone offends them

This is the most common reason I can see why people leave the church. When brethren are offended, and their feelings were hurt by his brother or sister in faith, they would rather leave the church rather than reconcile with each other.

There is no doubt that the Church of God is composed of imperfect people. No matter what happens, there will come a time when people will act in a way that you might get offended. However, the Bible tells us;

“Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love” (Ephesians 4:2).

We can’t do so much about what people do, but we can control how we react to it. So instead of leaving the Church because someone hurts your feeling, remember to be patient and better yet, seek counsel.

2. They leave the church because they don’t like the leaders

Some people will look into the people who hold the office, rather than looking at the office they hold. Again, people will always be people. They are imperfect humans. Just because you don’t like the leaders who hold the position doesn’t mean that you should leave the Church. No matter who holds the office of a certain position, the ultimate leader of the Church is Jesus Christ.

“And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy” (Colossians 1:18).

3. They leave the church because it’s not fun

It is sad to note that there are growing feelings over the past years that being a Christian is boring, lifeless and will only take the fun out of life. This satanic mindset is something that had caused many people, especially the younger ones, to leave the Church.

[Related: “Is It Boring To Be A Christian? 5 Reasons It Is Not].

Jesus Christ said: “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full (John 10:10).

Being a Christian means living life to the fullest. When you stay within the Church, you are educated on how to live this life in such a way that it will yield more blessings and happiness. However, if you leave the Church, you are not allowing God to make a difference in your life. This will eventually lead to sadness, frustration, and disappointments.

4. People leave the Church because they made a mistake

Adam and Eve made a mistake when they ate of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. Instead of approaching God and ask for forgiveness, they made another error of hiding from God.

Most of us are not that different from our first parents. Most people who made a big mistake in their lives would instead leave the Church because of shame, guilt, and fear.

It is true that sin can separate us from God. But this does not mean that it should be left that way. Instead of hiding from God by leaving the Church, we need to ask for forgiveness and be reconciled to Him.

“For whenever our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and he knows everything” (I John 3:20).

5. People leave the Church because they want “freedom”

People think that the Church is just there to restrict and confine them within a set of moral rules. They think to stay in the Church is being a slave while to leave is being freed.

Actually, there are only two choices; it is either being a servant of God or a servant of Satan.

The right choice should be obvious by now, but Satan is very wise and cunning who will offer his way of life wrapped in a very attractive trappings.

Don’t be deceived; the way of Satan will lead to enslavement rather than freedom. But God’s way of life will lead to life and real freedom!

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery” (Galatians 5:1).


Don’t leave the Church for the wrong reasons. Instead, stay close to God and let Him take care of your concerns. We need to remember that God’s way of life always works. If you allow anyone or anything come between you and God, then you are making the biggest mistake of your life.

Leaving the Church is never an option.

Staying close to God while keeping the faith is the only option.

“Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live“(Deuteronomy 30:19)!

4 thoughts on “5 Stupid Reasons People Leave the Church

  1. Pingback: the not-so-ridiculous reasons people leave church – Samantha Field

  2. Pingback: 5 Stupid Reasons People Leave the Church | Becoming Christians

  3. If i am not wrong when i first attend the church in bkk last four years,i was in the second hour of sunday church’s school,it seemed to be taught by a younger teacher that satan would force people to be in disciplines while God would provide people’s free choices to either not or follow his ways.When this article is read,sometimes it ‘s a little confusion that comes to my mind.Also,if someone has regularly attend the sabbath,would he be felt offended that someone saying that people coming to church means they have mental and spiritual problems which may cause some people don’t come to church again.

  4. The dedication to providing resources and support for those in times of crisis or need is a hallmark of your organization. Your church is a place where individuals can find solace, counseling, and assistance during life’s most challenging moments.

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