“Christians are boring.”
Have you heard this expression before? It is a common statement made by people who believe that they are better off without a religion.
In a world generally allergic to any form of morality, most people think that being a Christian is boring, that it deprives you of having joy and fun. Most people would even say that being a Christian will prevent you from attaining self-fulfillment because of its many restrictions to the point that they will say that Christianity will restrict your freedom.
But is it really boring? Is there something wrong with this kind of thinking?
In this post, I will share with you 5 reasons that Christianity is not boring, but in fact, it is interesting, enjoyable, and even fascinating. Please read on.

Reason no. 1: Real and lasting happiness is found in Christianity
“… I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10).
The problem with people who want to be happy is that they always go the opposite direction.
The way to happiness and a fulfilling life is already revealed on the pages of your Bible. You don’t have to hire life coaches and gurus or read thousands of self-help books.
Your Bible holds the key to happiness and blessedness.
You don’t have to experiment your way to happiness. If you do, you will just end committing mistakes – fatal mistakes that will make you sadder and more frustrated compared to when you started.
The things you think that will make you happy are just temporary and will leave you empty at the end of the day.
Christianity is not boring, but instead, it tells you how to really have a great time. If you will just read your Bible, live the way of life Yahshua (Jesus) taught, you will surely have a happier and more fulfilling life.
Reason no. 2: Christianity is a tough and challenging calling
“My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials” (James 1:2).
It might sound strange and contradictory to our human nature, but the Bible tells us that we should consider trials as something joyful!
Christianity is a challenging calling.
If you are a TRUE Christian, you will face many challenges and trials. Thankfully, the Bible is filled with encouraging pieces of advice to stay positive during those times.
Personally, I consider challenges as the spices of life. A life of smooth sailing is really BORING. Being a Christian helps me to experience something that my classmates, neighbors, workmates and other people never experienced!
So I say, being unique and when you stand out in a good way is NEVER a boring a life.
Reason no. 3: Boredom is just a state of mind
“But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned” (I Corinthians 2:14).
People say that Christianity is boring not because Christianity is boring, but because of their preconceived thinking. Media tells us that being bad and going against the law of God is exciting and fun. Our modern entertainment glamourized evil to the point that being bad is desirable and being good is related to boredom.
Media tells us that being bad and going against the law of God is exciting and fun. Our modern entertainment glamourized evil to the point that being bad is desirable and being good is related to boredom.
As hard as the media try to go against God’s standard, they can never change the fact that worldly pleasures will never last.
Yes, for some people, watching religious movies and listening to sermon may be boring. But hey, it’s just a state of mind. If you change how you think and see things in a more positive light, I am sure that you’ll see Christianity as something else other than being boring.
Reason no. 4: It’s fun to have Christian friends!
Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits” (I Corinthians 15:33).
In my Christian life, I have spiritual brothers and sisters whom I can always go to when I am bored. Since we have the same mindset and kind of thinking, we find ways to have fun according to God’s standards. Having Christian friends is totally awesome. You can trust and treat each other with respect, love, and care. Now, tell me if that is boring.
Having Christian friends is totally awesome. You can trust and treat each other with respect, love, and care. Now, tell me if that is boring.
Reason no 5: Giving up sin, not giving up “fun”
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of Lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning (James 1:17).
Most people think that if you become a Christian, you have to give up the “fun” things in life.
But is it really true?
Having fun according to the standard of the world will lead to destruction, but having fun according to God’s standard leads to life and blessings.
It is never fun to have a divorce. It is never fun when you contracted sexually transmitted diseases living a promiscuous life. It is never fun when people suffer because of selfish ambitions. It is never fun waking up in the morning nauseated and sick after a night of drinking and partying.
People will temporary have “fun” and wake up the next day sad. When you become a Christian, you need to give up sinful and harmful behavior and this will ultimately lead to genuine happiness.
If you think Christianity is boring, then you are missing a whole lot of benefits and blessings of being a Christian. The truth is, “boring” can happen anywhere and it is something that we need to overcome.
Make sure that you “taste and see that the LORD is good” (Psalms 34:8) and you will find out that Christianity is really not boring; but instead, it is a way of life that will help you experience joy and happiness even in the midst of trials!
Well, Christianity isn’t boring, but your version sure seems to be. I mean, you condemn fantasy, sci-fi, movies, video games, friends that don’t believe in God, and browsing the web.
I think you are making dogmatic assumptions with your statement. As long as the things you mentioned don’t contradict God’s word, then Christians are allowed to do it.
Anything except robotic obedience to God’s every detailed command is in contradiction to God’s word.
There are always more ways to deny yourself, smaller and subtler sins to cleanse, more weight of cross to bear, more things to fast from, and more things to pray about.
There is no personal temporal happiness that is aligned with God’s desire for our ever-increasing monotone holiness. It must always be diluted with fear of the Lord and compulsive thanksgiving.
That’s what loving God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength is. Happiness is to be ignored lest you be caught loving God for a personal gain. If you derive happiness from yoir service, God will teach you a lesson by taking it away from you so you can learn “joy,” which is a numb detachment from self in hypnotic focus on religion.
Thanks for your comment, Oron61.
These are all good books,; how can I get one
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