Top 10 Surprising Reasons Why You Should Tithe

Most people think that tithing is a thing of the past and should be ignored by Christians today. However, I want to show you the many reasons you should tithe during this modern age!

Top 10 Surprising Reasons Why You Should Tithe

“You don’t need to tithe.”

That’s what most Christians will tell you. Most believe the archaic tithe definition is something that isn’t relevant for us today.

However, in this confused Christian world, we need to ask what the Bible says.

So, what is tithing? Tithing simply means giving a tenth of your increase. The Bible tells us in Deuteronomy 14:22:

“You shall truly tithe all the increase of your grain that the field produces year by year.”

Though not popularly practiced today, tithing is one of the most fundamental biblical teachings that are misunderstood.

Most professing “Christian” leaders will teach their adherents that tithing is part of the Old Testament and therefore, not necessary. But is this what the Bible accurately teaches?

In this article, let me share with you ten powerful reasons you and should tithe.

Are you ready? Let’s begin!

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Reason no. 1: It is Practiced in the Old Testament before the Nation of Israel existed

One of the reasons people tell you that you don’t need to tithe anymore is that it is a law given to Israel? Or is it?

Here’s the shocking truth: tithing originated centuries before the founding of the Nation of Israel. In fact, tithing has always been a practice by people who are faithful to God and in His ways.

Abraham, the father of the faithful (Romans 4:11), is a prime example of this. After winning a battle against five kings, he gave a tenth to the priestly order of Melchizedek (Gen. 14:18-22).

He recognized the importance of worshiping God with one’s substance and possession. Another patriarch who practices tithing is Jacob (Gen. 28:20-22).

If you think that tithing is for the Israelites only, then you are gravely mistaken because Abraham is NOT an Israelite.

5 reasons to tithe infographics

Reason no. 2: Jesus upholds tithing

Contrary to popular beliefs, Jesus (or Yahshua), our God, Lord and Master, upholds tithing.

In His confrontation with the Pharisees, He tells them to tithe and at the same time not forget other matters of the law;

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you pay TITHE of mint and anise and cummin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith. These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone” (Matt. 23:23).

He clearly told the Pharisees that tithing is an integral part of following the commandments of God IN ADDITION to justice, mercy, and faith.

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Reason no. 3: God is the Source of our Blessing

In the final analysis, God is the possessor of everything (Exo. 19:5).

He made the heavens and the earth and all that is in them. Even our very own life comes from God.

It is God who gives us the power to acquire what we have (Deut. 8:18). Tithing teaches us to recognize God as our supreme Provider and Sustainer. When we tithe, we only return a fraction of what God gave us.

Reason no. 4: Tithe is Holy

Holy means set apart. The tithe is set apart for God’s work and it is holy in God’s sight.

“And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land or of the fruit of the tree, is the LORD’s. It is holy to the LORD” (Lev. 27:30-32).

In its truest sense, God owns everything but He only asks us to give a tenth back to Him. He owns the tithe and we do not have the right to spend it in any way we like. When you use the tithe other than the way God intended it should be, we are DEFILING what God considers holy.

Reason no. 5: Tithing is a form of Worship

Proverbs 3:9-10 tells us,

Honor the LORD with your possessions, and with the firstfruits of your increase; so your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will overflow with new wine.”

This verse tells us that we should honor God with our substance and not just our surpluses. God is not requesting us but He is commanding us to honor Him with our possessions.

Reason no. 6: God Commanded Tithing

God ordained tithing and He commands His people to tithe (Deut. 14:22).

God commanded his people to tithe so that there will be funds for God’s work, caring for the poor, and keeping the feasts. In today’s world, it is impossible to preach the Gospel without financial aid. Therefore, it is only imperative for God’s people to tithe for carrying out the mission God gave us (Matt. 28:19-20).


Reason no. 7: Tithing is an act of faith

There is no doubt that the primary problem for most people is money. More and more people have a hard time managing their finances and getting free from financial traps.

Be sure to read: 17 Sure-Fire Biblical Principles about Managing your Finances

When we use human reasoning, it is very illogical to give your money to a God you do not see. Why would you give money to someone when you barely have enough?

This is the reasoning one may face when tithing. And yet God still asks us to tithe in spite of our shortcomings.

Will you be able to trust God that He will provide what you need even though your mind is telling you otherwise?

Tithing teaches us to be faithful to our Supreme Provider no matter what situation we are in. After all, we walk by faith and not by sight (II Cor. 5:7).

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Reason no. 8: Not Tithing is Considered Stealing

“Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me! But you say, ‘In what way have we robbed You?’ In tithes and offerings. You are cursed with a curse, for you have robbed Me, Even this whole nation” (Mal. 3:8-9).

God clearly tells us that not tithing is tantamount to robbery and this is a violation of one of the Ten Commandments; Thou shalt not steal (Exo. 20:15).

Breaking God’s law will bring about a penalty. Those who do not tithe will find themselves always wanting and never fulfilled.

Reason no. 9: Tithing develops Godly Character

Selfishness can hinder us from developing godly character. Since our natural mind is geared towards self-preservation, we find it hard to give. But Jesus Christ said that “it is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35).

Also read: What did Jesus teach about giving?

Now it is hard to believe this statement through the human mind. Most of us will consider being blessed when we are at the receiving end but Christ thinks otherwise.

When you tithe, you learn to “not seek [your] own, but each one the other’s well-being” (I Cor. 10:24).

Tithing is a clear demonstration of your commitment to what Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it” (Matt. 16:24-25).

Reason no. 10: Tithing comes with a Promise

God declared,

malachi final300

“Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and TRY Me now in this (God dares us to try him), says the Lord of hosts, If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it. And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, so that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground, nor shall the vine fail to bear fruit for you in the field, says the LORD of hosts; and all nations will call you blessed. For you will be a delightful land, says the LORD” (Mal. 3:10-12).

These comforting words can be claimed by tithe payers. You do not have to worry about what you will eat, drink or wear because God knows who is His and He will take care of you.

Think about that for a second; The God of the whole universe, the God who owns everything, the God who can do impossible things is at your side and will personally and intimately keep you. This is a promise from God.

The question being asked to you now is: Will you trust God?

Will you tithe and trust God?

These are the ten compelling reasons you should tithe.

Yes, there is no doubt that tithing did not make me the richest man in the world but I consider myself far blessed because of my good health and peace of mind.

I never experience lacking or being hungry because of nothing to eat. God provided me everything I need and when He sees that something is good for me, He also gives me my wants and desires.

Tithing changed my perspective on how I should handle my finances. Tithing set my priorities in life straight and right.

Most importantly, tithing teaches me to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness” and because of this, I have the strongest confidence that “all these things shall be added unto (me)” (Matt. 6:33). If not in this lifetime, it will be during the future establishment of His Kingdom here on Earth.

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The Total Money Makeover (footnote)

48 thoughts on “Top 10 Surprising Reasons Why You Should Tithe

  1. Pingback: Which Day is the Sabbath Day? |

  2. Pingback: The Single Most Effective and Surest Way to Rob God! (And How Not To) | Christian Living 101

  3. Pingback: 17 Sure-Fire Biblical Principles about Managing your Finances – Becoming Christians

  4. Beautiful inspiring article…i very much concur everything what God says in His word the Bible…thanks for sharing…

  5. Found this thru throwback thursday. Proven the benefits of tithing myself. Thank you for such a well written article. Please, keep em coming. 😊

  6. Pingback: 10 Most Effective Ways to Preach the Gospel Today | Becoming Christians

  7. Pingback: 10 Most Effective Ways to Preach the Gospel Today | Becoming Christians

  8. Pingback: What Does it Mean to be Unequally Yoked Together with Unbelievers (II Corinthians 6:14-18)? | Becoming Christians

  9. Pingback: 7 Deadliest Signs You are a Hypocrite | Becoming Christians

  10. Tithing was never financial, it was only produce and livestock. This was to support the temple worship including the physical needs of the Levites and priests. We are now under grace and not the law so therefore the tithe no longer applies. It never applied to Christians, only Jews. Jesus spoke to Pharisees about tithing and Pharisees were Jews still under the law since Jesus had not been crucified yet. Paul tells us in Corinthians to give as we purpose in our heart. Grace and law do not mix. If you want to tithe you are living under law and are subject unto all of the law. I choose to live under grace and in the liberty Jesus Christ has given me

    • Hi Jon,

      For one, tithing is not limited to produce and livestock. Please read:

      But if the journey is too long for you, so that you are not able to carry the tithe, or if the place where the Lord your God chooses to put His name is too far from you, when the Lord your God has blessed you, then you shall exchange it for money, take the money in your hand, and go to the place which the Lord your God chooses (Deu 14:24-25).

      Second point: Yahshua or Jesus Christ did not condemn the Pharisees of tithing. Instead, He even encouraged them to do so. This should be a golden opportunity for Christ to instruct His followers to stop tithing, but HE NEVER DID.

      Third point: I agree that we are under grace since we can’t and will never be able to earn salvation. However, it is equally true that God can’t save us if we don’t do His commandments. Paul praised the Law by saying, “Therefore, the law is HOLY, and the commadnment HOLY and JUST and GOOD (Romans 7:13, compare with Acts 24:14).

      Christ’s death didn’t give us a license to break God’s commandment. Instead, James even emphasize that faith without work is dead! Keeping the law and grace comes hand in hand.

      No wonder John wrote, “For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome” (I John 5:3).

      Peace and blessings.


      • Read Deuteronomy 14:24-25 in context (begin at verse 22 and end at verse 26) to get the full meaning of the passage.

        v 22 – Tithe the crops grown in the fields.
        v.23 – Go to the place God chose (Jerusalem; 2 Chr 6:5-6) and eat the tithe
        v.24 – If the journey is too long, sell the tithe for money
        v.25 – take the money to the place you were supposed to take the tithe. (Jerusalem)
        v.26 – use the money to purchase food and drink for you and the members of your household.

        The money mentioned in Deuteronomy 14:24-25 is not given to the House of God as tithe…it is used to buy food and drink so that the one who traveled to Jerusalem could eat and drink with their families.

      • Hi Boldproclaimer,

        Thanks for your comment. 🙂

        Deuteronomy 14:22-29 actually talks about the two different types of tithes – the second tithe and the third tithe.

        The first tithe is to be given to the House of God. The second tithe is the tithe you spend during the Feasts. The third tithe is to be given every third year except on the seventh year because it is a rest. The third tithe are given to the poor of the land.

        Hope that clarifies things up. 🙂


  11. Dear Joshua, thanks for your inspiring theological article on tithing…
    May I add some insights…Christians should tithe because…
    1. Tithing is never contradicts and prohibited by Jesus Christ.
    2. One of The things we express our gratitude to God
    3. It is the shaddow of the New Covenant
    4. It is practiced even in the New Testament

    Generously giving in 2 Corinthians is for benebolence not for weekly offerings for the Lord. Giving is part of our Worship and tithing is returning wgphat is the Lord’s.

    God Bless you!

  12. Tithing is a Christian service that need not to be neglected

    I can really see that Mr Joshua gives good time to studying GOD’S word
    That’s great

  13. where does it say in scripture that tithe 10% of your gross income before taxes to government to your local church?

    • Hi Susan,

      That’s an interesting question.

      The answer is there’s none. Unless, I’m mistaken, I haven’t read any verse that says you should tithe on your gross income.

      However, I believe it is up to the individual. As for me, I think I would want the Almighty to bless me on my gross income. But personally, I think it would be your judgment call.


      • I once heard that if I had P100, 10% goes to first tithe so P10 then that leaves me with P90 so 2nd tithe is P9. What are your thoughts on this? Should 2nd tithe be P9 or P10?

      • Hi Dave,

        Hmm… that’s sound interesting. However, I don’t tithe that way, Dave. I personally understand that it’s the first tithe of your earnings, not the first tithe or second tithe of what is left.


  14. I stick with the Bible. It says that

    a) God’s commanded tithe is agricultural, not money. (even Jesus Christ knew that His Father did not require man to tithe his money; see Matthew 17:24-27)
    b) God’s commanded tithes are to be taken to Jerusalem, not cities all around the world.
    c) God gave the command to the children of Israel, not to other nations.

    To teach contrary to what the Scriptures say is to teach a false doctrine.

    • Hi Boldproclaimer,

      If you’re going to stick to the Bible, then you should tithe.

      a. In the olden time, tithing is agricultural since the economy of the Israelites is agricultural. However, you would see that even if they are in agricultural, it is commanded that they can exchange their goods into money if they can’t bring it with them.

      b. God’s tithe is to be given to the House of God. It is used to proclaim the Gospel and do the work of God. Today, the levitical priesthood has been abolished, but now, it has been replaced by the ministry of God to continue the work.

      c. We are the spiritual Israel.

      That’s true. I agree. If you teach contrary to what the scriptures say, then it is a false doctrine.


  15. Your reason #8 accuses both Jesus and His apostles of stealing. In Matthew 17: the apostles went fishing for a coin. When they found it, they gave it to Caesar’s Tax Collectors in Capernaum.

    According to God’s tithe ordinance, the children of Israel were required to take tithes to Jerusalem. (see Deuteronomy 12:10-11 & 2 Chronicles 6:5-6 But Jesus did not tell the apostles to go to Jerusalem with the coin and give the tenth of the coin to the Levites. No, He told them to give the coin to Caesar’s Tax Collectors in Capernaum.

    Now, if God requires money to be tithed, then you rightly say that anyone who does not tithe is a thief. However, that means that Jesus and His apostles are also thieves, as it is clear they did not tithe the money they gained in Matthew 17:24-27.

    So, which is it? God dosn’t require tithes of money and Jesus rightfully told His apostles to give the coin to Caesar’s Tax Collectors? or God requires tithes of money and Jesus and His apostels exposed themselves as thieves?

    • Hi Boldproclaimer,

      I’m sorry but that’s a ridiculous interpretation of scripture and what I have written.

      Please note that you give tithes from your income. It is something you worked for. When Yahshua got the coin from the fish, that is something they didn’t worked for. That’s something they found. For example, if someone gives me money, I don’t take tithe from that. But if I’m willing, I give offering from that.

      Hope that clears things up.


      • God said His tithe was to come from agricultural increase…not from monetary income.

        In EVERY instance in the Bible where the elements of God’s commanded tithe are mentioned, they are always mentioned as agricultural products. Not once does God say to give a tenth of monetary gain to the House of God.

        Jesus Christ even proves that monetary gain is not required in Matthew 17:24-27, when He instructs the apostles to give the money they gained in that passage to Tax Collectors in Capernaum.

      • Hi Boldproclaimer,

        We read in Deuteronomy 14:22-25:

        You shall truly tithe all the increase of your grain that the field produces year by year. And you shall eat before the Lord your God, in the place where He chooses to make His name abide, the tithe of your grain and your new wine and your oil, of the firstborn of your herds and your flocks, that you may learn to fear the Lord your God always. But if the journey is too long for you, so that you are not able to carry the tithe, or if the place where the Lord your God chooses to put His name is too far from you, when the Lord your God has blessed you, then you shall exchange it for money, take the money in your hand, and go to the place which the Lord your God chooses.

        In these verses, we could see that their agricultural increase is exchanged to money.

        Today, most of us are not working in an agricultural setting. However, that doesn’t change that fact that we are earning an income. Whatever form of income you may have, you need to take a tithe from it.

        I’ll answer your question about Matthew 17 in the other comment.


      • While Israel had many farms and fields, agriculture was not their money…silver was.

        Many, in their zeal to defend their monetary tithe teaching pastors, will be quick to state, “They didn’t have money in ancient Israel, so they tithed crops and livestock.”

        But is that true? Was ancient Israel as destitute of money as so many want us to believe?

        A careful study of the word of God will reveal to the reader that silver was the means of buying and selling from the time of Abraham and forward.

        In Genesis 23, Abraham purchases the cave at Mach-Pelah from Ephron for 400 shekels of silver. Verse 16 of this chapter tells us that silver is the “current money of the merchant”.In other words, the days of bartering with agriculture was virtually over before Israel was given the command to tithe.

        In Genesis 37, Joseph is sold into slavery for twenty pieces of silver.

        In Genesis 43, Joseph’s brethren took “double money” to Egypt to buy food. The word “money” in this chapter is translated from the Hebrew “keceph”. Keceph is defined as “silver.”

        In Exodus 21, if a man’s ox injured another man’s slave, the owner of the ox was to pay the owner of the slave in silver.

        In Exodus 30, every male between the age of 20 and 60 is required to pay a tax of a half-shekel of silver annually,… whether they are rich or poor.

        In Leviticus 27, many things dedicated to God can be redeemed (bought back) with silver. Even a portion of one’s crops tithe could be redeemed.

        In Deuteronomy 14. the Feast tithe could be sold if it was too heavy, or if there was a chance of it spoiling before the Israelite reached the place of festivities. Upon reaching the place of festivities, the Israelites was to buy food as the Feast tithe and eat it with his family.

        In Judges 9. Abimelech paid people silver to follow him.

        In Judges 17, graven image purchased with 200 shekels of silver

        In Jeremiah 32, The weeping prophet purchased land from his uncle Hanameel with 17 pieces of silver.

        In Matthew 14, ointment might have been sold for three hundred pence. (denarius)

        In Matthew 20, we read a parable of workers agreeing to work for a penny.

        Israel’s monetary system, as proven by the verses referenced above, was silver and not agricultural increase.

        There is nothing in the word of God that indicates anyone being required to tithe their monetary income to either Tabernacle, Temple, Synagogue or Church.

        Man may change. The economy may change. However, God’s Word does not change. It is forever settled in Heaven. (Psalms 119:89)

        God knows everything that ever happened in History. He knows what is happening in our present age. He knows what will happen in the future.

        He made no provision in His Word for man in any period of time to preach contrary to what is written in His Holy word. His commanded tithe was agricultural in the Bible. It has not changed to money, whether man wishes to make it money or not.

        Man can say God’s tithe is money for the next 20 years from now. But, two thousand years beyond that, the Bible will still say God’s tithe is agricultural.

        It is forever settled in Heaven. It will never be money.

      • Hi Boldproclaimer,

        Can you give me a verse in the Bible that says we shouldn’t tithe on the money we earn that it should only be on agricultural products?

        Now, regarding your point, please understand that God even gave us instructions that the Israelites can convert their goods into money and use that money as their tithes. Isn’t that proof that they give money as their tithes?


      • The coin was something they worked for. They had to go down to the sea and cast in a hook, wait for the fish to bite, then reel it in.

        Jesus told them how to get the coin…they had to work for it.

  16. Hi Joshua,

    You said from your replies above that the first tithe is the one being brought to the house of God. Please tell me in what verse you can read that the tithe brought to the house if God is money, because you also said that deuteronomy 14:22-29 talks about the two different tithes, the 2nd and 3rd tithes. But even in 2nd or 3rd tithes they never give the money to the house of God. They exchange their tithes to money and bring it to Jerusalem but they will spend that money to buy what ever they desire, food or even strong drinks and they will eat and drink with their households. No mention of giving that money to the house of God.

    You also said that we should obey the law of tithing and we should not neglect not even one of the laws. In the law of Moses about tithing there are three kinds of tithing that they are required to follow. Therefore if we are to follow the law of tithing, giving just ten percent is not enough. Therefore what you are teaching is also not conforming to the law of Moses hence you are still robbing God.

    • Hi Bhelaim,

      There are three types of tithes spoken of in the Bible and I strive to keep all of them. So, there are times when I set aside 30% of my income as tithes.

      In the past, tithes are given as agricultural goods because they live in an agricultural economy. In principle, today, we give money because it is the equivalent form of our income.


      • Hi Joshua,
        This is not what is written in the bible. They earn money, their income is money and they buy with their money. But the tithes to be given to the house of God is not money. That is clearly what is written in the bible. Please specify what verse it is written that money is given to the house of God as tithes.

      • Hi Joshua, there are lots of verse in the bible about buying and selling with money. Look at 2 Samuel 24:24, David bought threshing floor and oxen for 50 shekels of silver. In Jeremiah 32:9, hr bought a field for 17 shekels of silver, and many more. Even in the new testament, there are buying and selling with money. In John 6:5 Jesus ask Philip where they can buy food for the large crowds to eat. If Jesus wants to buy meaning they have money because i have not read that they are carrying animals or any crops. In John 13:9 it was explicitly said that Judas has the money box and Jesus told him to buy the things they need for the feast. It is clear that they use money to buy things not exchanging animals or crops to buy things. They even pay taxes using the coin with the Caesar’s image.

        Please read your bible. What you are doing is dangerous. You are teaching people about God, about His law and about his word but you are not reading it and understanding God’s word.

        I gave you the verses that you ask for, now give me the verse where i can read that the tithe given to the house of God is in the form of money.

      • Hi BhelaiM,

        We have to understand the culture in which ancient Israel lived. It was predominantly an agricultural economy, and people’s livelihoods involved crops and livestock.

        It should be quite obvious that “increase” in the context of that economy is goods, not money. It is a weak argument to say that a tithe is only given in the form of goods and not money.

        Regarding the second tithe, it was CONVERTED into money and it was that money that was used to purchase all manner of goods for the Feast (Deuteronomy 14:22-27).

        So here is proof that they “paid” the second tithe in money, since that is what they used to purchase. It was not barter. They did not transport all their goods to the Feast site and exchange it for other goods.

        They were practical. Turn the goods into money, and then turn exchange that money for other goods.

        Of course, when the journey was close enough, I’m sure they exchanged goods for other goods as well. The principle is, it is not correct to say that only goods were tithable. Those Israelites didn’t receive money as “increase” like we do now. Their “increase” was goods — corn, sheep, cattle, etc. so of course they would have to tithe on that, and that’s what YHWH therefore instructed.

        Bottomline, we must derive tithing PRINCIPLES from Scripture, instead of getting stuck or hung up on the exact methods, which may not be applicable to us, since we are no longer living in a localized agrarian society.

        We have to consider that we are living in a global, high-tech economy. Tithing still applies. Those people who want to excuse themselves from tithing will find all manner of excuse why they should not or cannot tithe in the 21st century.

        Moreover, remember Abraham’s act of giving the “tithes of all” to Melchizedek, King of Salem (Gen.14:16-20). It has to be noted that the items he gathered from the kings of Shinar were “all the goods of Sodom and Gomorrah, and all their provisions” (verse 11).

        This is a proof that Abraham gave tithes not just with agricultural goods.

        It seems pointless to argue with people who are bent in finding fault with Yah’s Word.

        The points presented here should be adequate for one who is sincerely seeking guidance from Yah’s words.

      • Searching for the truth is not making an excuse. There are several laws in the old testament that was fulfilled by Jesus Christ after his death hence they are not applicable to the new testament generation. If we still continue to teach those kinds of laws, it only means that we do not accept what Jesus had done on the cross.

        The use of money during their times are not different in our times. Yes their economy is primarily agricultural but same with us today they sell those crops to earn money because money is still the primary means to buy anything. Infact, as early as King Solomon’s kingship they already have foreign trading, copper mining and metal smelting, that is according to the history. In addition to that, many of those people working in the field are just plain laborers and paid their wages with money, one example is in Matt. 20. So the workers are earning money but they did not tithes money because i haven’t read any tithes given to the house of God in the form of money, and that is also the reason why you cannot give me the verse i am asking for. If we will accept your reasoning we should expect our hog raisers to bring their increase to the church, like a live pig because their increase are pigs.

        The truth is the law of tithing was not taught in the new testament age. Jesus Christ did not taught about tithing nor his disciples because the law of tithing was for the priest (Numbers 18:24), that is the tithe given to the house of God. They are given physically to the priest. You know very well that Abraham gave tithes to Melchizedek but have you read how may times did Abraham gave tithes? There are many times mention in the bible about the increase of his possession but there’ s only one mention of Abraham giving tithes and that was from the spoils he took from the battle and not from his increase. Tithing to Melchizedek is symbolical, it is part of the prophesy of Jesus Christ as “forever priest in the order of Melchizedek”. Yes Jesus Christ is our forever priest but the law of priesthood on earth does not apply to Him, the law has been fulfilled and changed by Jesus Christ as what Paul said in Hebrew 7:12 and so on. Since Jesus Christ is not physically on earth there’s no physical priest as well, hence there’s no need for physical tithes. What God needed from us is written in Matt 22:21 or Mark 12:17.

        These verses are also not teaching about tithing, if we will understand it deeply. When Jesus said ” render to Caesar what is to Caesar”, He implies that the people should give back to Caesar what belongs to him because he owns it, since the inscription of Caesar’s image was on the coin or the money that they used. So what is to God? When God created the first man, God put His image on him and that is the symbol of His ownership on His creation, the people. So when Jesus said ” render to God what is to God” that means people, its us, His creation with the inscription of His image. Jesus did not mention of tithes or 10 percent because He wants us to give the whole of us to God as He gave the greatest and first commandment in Matt 22:37. God never need or want our money, He wants us.
        Its not bad to give money to the church but it should be what is decided in our hearts as 2 Cor 9:7 said. It should not be a burden like they used to say that not tithing is stealing from God and so they go to hell. This is not how we should interpret the word of God.

        By the way, one thing i noticed with those who teach tithing, they are always boastful of their tithings, they are like the pharisees.

      • Hi BhelaiM,

        Thanks for your comment.

        Clearly, there’s no amount of words that I can tell you that will change your mind. In the same way, you won’t be able to change my mind as well.

        I have tried and tested tithing and I have seen how God worked in my life. I can’t understand why you are saying that you are willing to give your whole life to God and yet, will stumble upon tithing that will only ask you to give back to God 10% of your increase.

        The problem with the majority of Christians today is their misunderstanding of what New Covenant really means. It’s a huge topic, but let me know if you want to learn more and I’ll send you some resources to read.

        Nowhere in my writing would you read I boast of my tithes. I also don’t say that giving tithes is a burden. God’s commandments are not burden and I do it wholeheartedly. Finally, I don’t say anything that people who don’t give tithes will go to hell. Let Yahshua (Jesus) be the judge.

        Christ is the High Priest to whom I give my tithes. God’s work today needs financial support and it gets that support through tithes and offerings.

        Anyway, BhelaiM, I believe I have said enough about this topic. It’s never my job to convert or convince people. My only job is to preach God’s truth in this deceived world. It is God’s job to reveal His truth and the person’s role to respond.

        I pray for Yahweh’s truth be revealed to all of us.


      • One thing i forgot, please read Luke 18:9-14. This also illustrates about the one who tithes and fast and the other one who do not tithe snd even do not follow some of the law of Moses. But in the end you will see who is justified.

      • I totally agree. No one is saved by simply tithing. No amount of work would save us. It is only the saving grace of our Heavenly Father and the sacrifice of Yahshua that could save us.

      • This article is a false teaching.

        Abraham gave tithes to Melchizedek
        – Abraham gave tithes only from spoils he got from war not from his increase.
        – Abraham gave tithes to Melchizedek only once
        – Abraham gave tithes to Melchizedek because he is a priest

        Jesus and His disciple did not taught about tithing.

        Not giving tithe is stealing from God hence breaking the ten commandments and punishable by death – false

        Tithes was given to the priest but we don’t have priest today. The law of priesthood was amended. Our forever priest is already in his kingdom and spiritual priest does not need physical money. Offering can be brought to church but mot the tithes.

        Believing and accepting false teaching can make the people astray from the truth and this will lead the people to walk in the wide road.

      • Hi BhelaiM,

        No worries. I’m not in the business of convincing people. I’m just here to share Yahweh’s word. How you respond to it isn’t my problem anymore. It is God’s role to call whom He wants to call.

        If you don’t want to tithe, then so be it. But as for me, I will tithe because this is one of the ways I can praise God with my possession and a way for me to put Him first in my life.


  17. I believe that it all comes down to how much we love God. Tithing is not a salvation issue just as generosity is not a salvation issue. But generosity is a fruit of a saving relationship with God and a response to what great things He has done to us. Therefore if we love God, we will be generous enough to give just a tenth of our increase to help the Gospel be preached to all the world. We can use a lot of bible text to defend our positions which is not what God would want His people to do. But if we don’t love God, giving tithe will be seen as a waste of money on our part. I see tithe as not a waste of our money because I am giving to the giver who is God. I once hated giving tithe because money is going out and not coming back, especially when we live in a world where everything is about investing. But when we give our tithes, we are investing in God who knows our future and our personal struggles. So, it all comes down to our personal relationship with God and how much we love Him. God loves a cheerful giver. So let us try God with tithes(Malachi 3:10) because we love Him and because “…he first loved us.”(1 John 4:19)
    Than you Joshua for defending God’s Truth

    • Hi John,

      Thanks for your comment. I believe giving tithe is a response that should only be natural to those who see God as a Giver and the Source of all the good things that we have. In fact, it is just the minimum and we still have to give our offerings. It’s just a matter of the heart and I’m glad to know that see the importance of tithing for God’s work. Of course, it’s important to have the right attitude toward giving. Giving tithe is useless if it is not done from the heart.

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