Why people are not healed? [NEW VIDEO]

Why do some individuals experience healing while others do not? Unraveling this mystery can be challenging, but the Bible sheds light on a key factor that may hinder healing.

Curious to know what this reason is? Look no further than this enlightening video!

In this presentation, you’ll:

  1. Gain insights from the story of the lame man at the pool of Bethesda.
  2. Discover the focal point when seeking healing.
  3. Understand the essence of prayer for healing.

If you’re eager to delve deeper into the biblical perspective on healing, this video is a must-watch!

📌📌📌 P.S. Are you fond of biblical narratives that offer profound insights? If so, our Inspiring Stories course is perfect for you. Dive into 40 captivating stories accompanied by thoughtful reflections. Enroll today! Click HERE to learn more!

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