Will God forget your work?

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We read in Hebrews 6:10:

10 For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love which you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister.

As humans, doing good works can be tiring. A lot of us might have the initial zeal and passion for the work of God and yet, we somehow lose our energy along the way.

Satan tries to dissuade us. He tells us lies. He discourages us to continue serving and loving others. He may tell us, “Oh, it’s no use. No one notices your effort.” “You are just wasting time.” “You should put yourself first before others.” “No one appreciates you.” “No one cares about the good work you do.”

All these things can make us stop and think about why we are doing what we do. Why are we helping others, serving the brethren, and doing the work of God?

Yet, in Hebrews 6:10, Paul tells us that God is not unrighteous or unjust to forget our good work and labor of love.

The Almighty takes note of the good works that we do for the saints.

He knows exactly the sacrifices, energy, and time you spend just to be of service to His people.

Since God is not unjust and He doesn’t forget our effort, we should have the confidence that we will one day be rewarded for our service. It’s not true that it’s no use. Even if people don’t appreciate us and no one seems to notice, God appreciates us. God notices us. God is happy with what we are doing for His people.

At the end of it all, we will not be disappointed. Even a simple gesture of giving a cup of water or opening a door to others is listed in “God’s notebook of good works.”

So, don’t believe the lies Satan tells you. God surely appreciates all our effort. One day, Yahshua will return here on earth and reward us according to our works.


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➡️ FREE masterclass, “What is the meaning of life”: https://bit.ly/34gXpwY


➡️ Becoming Christians Academy: https://bit.ly/3S8LrbX
➡️ The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Christians – https://bit.ly/3BayXKW
➡️ 40 Inspiring Stories – http://bit.ly/3UqVFVL
➡️ Heroes of Faith – https://bit.ly/3VpZxI8
➡️ Read Your Bible in 365 Days – https://bit.ly/3EFlKui


➡️ How to Live a Victorious Life: https://bit.ly/3h56p9N
➡️ How to be an effective Christian: https://bit.ly/30sOnsv
➡️ How to Increase your Faith: https://bit.ly/2Bz5xtM
➡️ The Power of His Word: https://bit.ly/30dmOTP

Published by joshuainfantado

Hello, dearest Readers! I AM JOSHUA, a Filipino, brother, friend, teacher, lover, adventurer, inspirer, Joker, observer, learner, student of life, blogger, and a servant of God. I hope through my blogs, you will learn something and share it with other people. This life is too short to be spent in chasing the wrong things. So we better put our priority in line with our Creator's will. My blogs will make you smile, laugh, think, and even cry. Please stick around and read my blogs. Together, let us live this life to the fullest!

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