The Surprising Identity of the Angel of the LORD

The title, “Angel of the LORD” appeared in more than 70 verses in the Bible. Sometimes, the Angel of the LORD is also called the Angel of God.

The mysterious identity of this heavenly being caused a lot of confusion.

Thus, a lot of people arrived at the wrong conclusion.

Some say it is just an ordinary angel.

Some say that it is Jesus Christ (Yahshua the Messiah), making Him a created Being.

Some use the identity of this angel as a way to prove the doctrine of the Trinity.

With all the misconceptions about the Angel of the LORD, you might be swayed to believe the wrong teaching about Him.

That’s why we must take some time and get a better understanding of who this being is.

I strongly recommend you read, “Who is the Angel of the LORD?

Identifying who the Angel of the LORD is could dramatically unlock our understanding of who God is. Aside from that, knowing the identity of this angel could reveal to us surprising and dramatic biblical truths that millions of Christians don’t know.

Thus, if you read completely and understand the points brought up in this article, you will be among those people who know this rare revelation.

Who is the Angel of the LORD?
Who is the Angel of the LORD?

Published by joshuainfantado

I am passionate about Sharing the Word of God. Join me as we study the Scripture, strengthen our faith, and get closer to God.

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