Matthew 6:33 – What Your One Main Goal in Life Should Be

What is your greatest passion?

Perhaps, you love helping people.

Maybe, you love to travel around the world.

Climb the highest mountains.

Explore the sea.

Get rich.

Whatever it is that you want in life, you need to make sure that your goal in life is aligned with the goal God has for you.

Read our feature blog: 5 Surprising Reasons Why You Should Focus on One Big Goal

In the Bible, you will read:

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”

This is a powerful statement that we read in Matthew 6:33.

These words came from straight from the mouth of our Savior, Yahshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ).

Now, my question for you is this:

Is your one main goal in life the same with what Jesus said that you should have?

Every one of us needs to make sure that our priorities are according to what the Bible teaches.

God wants us to seek FIRST – not second, third, or fourth.

He said, seek FIRST the Kingdom of God!

Not only that, but Christ said this:

We must also seek God’s righteousness.

After all these things – when we put God first in our lives, what will happen?

Christ continued:

“And all these things shall be added to you.”

This is the main reason that Jesus, in the earlier verses, was teaching us not to worry about our lives.

As long as we are following His will and purpose in our lives, we will never be forsaken.

We will never be forgotten.

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So, from now on, decide to make God’s kingdom your TOP priority.

Don’t let the optional be more important than what’s mandatory.

This world could only give us what’s temporary.

Only God can give us what’s eternal.

Read our feature blog: 5 Surprising Reasons Why You Should Focus on One Big Goal

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