Is the death of Iran’s President a Divine Justice?

Iran’s President, Ebrahim Raisi, died in a shocking helicopter crash, abruptly ending his highly controversial regime. You may recall that Iran recently escalated tensions by launching a direct attack on Israel. But long before that, Iran, under Raisi’s influence, was known for funding and supporting radical groups responsible for numerous attacks worldwide.

Raisi’s legacy is stained by his reputation as one of Iran’s most ruthless leaders, notorious for his role in the 1988 massacre of thousands of political dissidents. His death raises profound questions: Could this be divine justice? Did a higher power orchestrate the accident that claimed the life of Iran’s president?

Join me as we delve into the Bible to uncover the lessons it offers on the rise and fall of leaders. Watch this video (which comes with a blog version) from start to finish to explore whether Raisi’s demise was a mere coincidence or a manifestation of divine intervention.

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