10 Effective Ways to Develop Consistent Bible Study Habit

All of us know the importance of not just reading but studying the Bible. However, not all of us know how to develop the habit of going through God’s word on a daily basis. After all, we all have a lot of responsibilities, tasks, and commitments and the first thing that is pushed aside is the spiritual matters in life.

So, we want to know how we can develop the habit of studying the Bible. How can we prioritize Bible study in the midst of a busy and hectic schedule? Most importantly, how can we grow in the knowledge and grace of our Savior when we have a lot of things to do?

That’s exactly what I want to discuss with you today. In this blog, let me share with you 10 effective and powerful ways you can develop the habit of studying the Bible. These tips are so effective that I’m confident that they will dramatically revolutionize your Bible study habits.

So, if you’re ready, let’s dive in!

10 Effective Ways to Develop Consistent Bible Study Habit
10 Effective Ways to Develop Consistent Bible Study Habit

Why consistent bible study habit is Important

Studying the Bible is not a one-time event. There is a lot to learn from the Bible even a lifetime is not enough to FULLY comprehend everything. Personally, the more I learn things in the Bible, the more I realize how little I know!

Think of the Bible like a treasure trove, each page holding precious nuggets of wisdom waiting to be unearthed. Some are easily found, but others require a deeper dig. It’s in this exploration that we truly grasp the invaluable lessons it offers.

That’s why it’s so important to make reading the Bible a regular part of our lives. It’s not just about doing it when the mood strikes, but making it a consistent priority. After all, prioritizing God’s word is part of seeking His Kingdom first, as it says in Matthew 6:33.

We can’t expect to grow spiritually if we neglect to soak in God’s word. That’s why investing time in meditating on the Bible is crucial—it’s how we nourish our souls and deepen our understanding of His teachings.

So how can we really develop the habit of studying the Bible? Here are a few simple but powerful tips to remember:

10 Effective Ways to Develop Consistent Bible Study Habit Infographic
10 Effective Ways to Develop Consistent Bible Study Habit Infographic

1. Set clear goals.

How to develop bible study habit - set clear goals

Define your purpose for studying the Bible. Whether it’s to deepen your understanding of scripture, grow closer to God, or seek guidance for specific challenges, having clear goals will help motivate you to stay consistent. By setting clear goals for your Bible study journey, you create a roadmap for your spiritual growth and deepen your engagement with scripture. 

Let’s say your goal is to deepen your understanding of the teachings of Jesus and how they apply to your daily life. To do this, you want to read and study one chapter of a Gospel each day, focusing on the words and actions of Jesus as well as the context in which they occur. Each day, you read the selected chapter attentively, taking note of key teachings, parables, miracles, and interactions with others.

That’s just one example. The important thing is that you set clear goals so you can have a direction in your Bible Study.

2. Create a schedule.

How to develop bible study habit - create a schedule

Creating a schedule for reading the Bible can help keep us on track and ensure we make it a consistent part of our daily routine.

Firstly, consider starting your day with prayer and Bible reading. Mornings are often when we’re most alert and energized, making it an ideal time to engage with God’s word. You could even incorporate reading your Bible into your morning routine, perhaps while enjoying your morning coffee.

Then, as the day winds down, take some time before bed to read and meditate on the word of God. This bedtime ritual serves as a powerful way to bookend our lives with scripture, helping us reflect on God’s teachings before we rest.

By establishing these two dedicated times for reading the Bible—morning and night—we can create a balanced schedule that ensures we consistently engage with God’s word and deepen our spiritual understanding.

3. You need to find the right place to study the Bible.

How to develop bible study habit - find the right place to study the bible

Creating a conducive environment for studying the Bible is crucial for allowing the Holy Spirit to inspire and guide us fully. Just as we minimize distractions during prayer to connect more deeply with God, we should also aim to eliminate interruptions when delving into scripture.

Ideally, having a dedicated space for studying God’s word—a room set apart for this purpose—can help foster focus and spiritual connection. However, even within our homes, distractions can abound, even in seemingly peaceful spaces like our bedrooms.

To mitigate distractions, consider finding a quiet corner or creating a temporary sacred space where you can immerse yourself in scripture without interruption. Turn off electronic devices, silence notifications, and set aside any other tasks or concerns for the time being. By giving our full attention to studying the Bible, we open ourselves up to the transformative power of the Holy Spirit and allow God’s word to speak to us more profoundly.

4. Use a daily Bible reading plan or guide.

How to develop bible study habit - use daily bible reading plan or guide

A daily Bible reading plan or guide can provide the structure and direction needed to make the most out of each study session. With numerous resources available online, you’ll discover a wealth of tools to assist you in establishing a consistent habit of Bible study.

One such resource is the “Read Your Bible in 365 Days” course we offer here at Becoming Christians Academy. This comprehensive program offers a systematic approach to journeying through the entire Bible over the course of a year. By following this plan, you’ll engage with a variety of passages each day, covering a diverse range of topics and themes.

Read your bible in 365 days course image

Utilizing a structured reading plan like this can be incredibly beneficial, providing a roadmap for your study sessions and ensuring you cover a wide breadth of scripture. Plus, with the accountability and guidance provided by resources such as the “Read Your Bible in 365 Days” course, you’ll be supported in staying committed to your goal of deepening your understanding of God’s word.

5. Start with small, manageable goals.

How to develop bible study habit - start with small, manageable goals

Embarking on your Bible study journey with small, manageable goals sets the stage for success. Start by committing to just 10-15 minutes of focused study each day, keeping the sessions brief and achievable. As you grow more accustomed to this routine, gradually extend the duration of your study time.

By setting realistic goals, you cultivate a sense of accomplishment and build momentum in your Bible study practice. Avoiding overwhelming expectations allows you to approach each session with ease and consistency. Over time, as you feel more comfortable and confident in your study habits, you can naturally expand your goals and delve deeper into your exploration of scripture.

6. Choose a study method or plan.

How to develop bible study habit - choose a study method or plan
How to develop bible study habit – choose a study method or plan

When choosing a study method or plan for your Bible study journey, it’s important to consider your preferences and goals. Here are a few options to consider:

  • Book-by-Book Study: Dive deep into a specific book of the Bible, studying it chapter by chapter. This method allows for a focused exploration of individual books, understanding their context, themes, and messages.
  • Thematic Study: Focus on specific themes or topics throughout the Bible, exploring how they are addressed across different passages and books. This method allows for a comprehensive understanding of key concepts such as love, forgiveness, or faith.
  • Guided Bible Study Resources: Utilize structured study guides or resources designed to lead you through various passages or themes. These resources often provide questions, reflections, and insights to guide your study and promote deeper understanding.
  • Devotional Reading: Incorporate daily devotional readings into your study routine, which typically include short passages of scripture accompanied by reflections or commentary. Devotional readings are great for daily inspiration and spiritual growth.

Consider your preferences, schedule, and learning style when selecting a study method or plan. Whether you choose to study a specific book, explore thematic topics, or follow a guided resource, having a structured plan will provide direction and keep you engaged in your Bible study journey.

7. Journal and reflect.

How to develop bible study habit - journal and reflect

Don’t underestimate the power of journaling as you engage in Bible study. Keeping a journal allows you to capture your thoughts, insights, and reflections as you dive into the Scriptures. By putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard), you not only solidify your understanding but also create a tangible record of your spiritual journey.

As you read, take note of verses that resonate with you, jot down questions that arise, and record any personal applications or insights. Write about how the passage speaks to your life, what lessons you’re learning, and how you feel prompted to grow spiritually.

Journaling isn’t just about documenting your study sessions; it’s also a space for deeper reflection and dialogue with God. Take time to meditate on the passages you’ve read, pray about what you’ve learned, and listen for the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

Over time, your journal will become a treasure trove of wisdom, capturing your growth, struggles, and triumphs as you journey through the Scriptures. So grab a notebook or open a digital document, and let your journal be a companion on your quest for deeper understanding and spiritual growth.

8. Seek accountability and community.

How to develop bible study habit - seek accountability and community

Seeking accountability and community can significantly enhance your Bible study experience. Consider finding an accountability partner or joining a Bible study group or community where you can share your study goals, insights, and challenges with others.

Having an accountability partner allows you to stay focused and committed to your study goals. You can regularly check in with each other, share what you’ve been learning, and encourage one another in your spiritual journey.

Joining a Bible study group or community provides opportunities for discussion, reflection, and mutual learning. Engaging with others who share your faith allows you to explore different perspectives, ask questions, and deepen your understanding of the Scriptures.

In these communal settings, you’ll find encouragement, support, and a sense of camaraderie as you journey through the Bible together. Whether in person or online, being part of a Bible study group or community can enrich your study experience and foster spiritual growth in ways that studying alone cannot achieve.

9. Prioritize consistency over quantity.

How to develop bible study habit - prioritize consistency over quantity

When it comes to studying the Bible, prioritize consistency over quantity. It’s more important to maintain a regular habit of studying, even if it’s for shorter periods than to study for long stretches sporadically.

Commit to carving out dedicated time for Bible study each day, even if it’s just a few minutes. Consistency is key to building a habit, and over time, those small, regular study sessions will add up to significant spiritual growth and understanding.

Let’s say you’re a busy parent with limited time in the mornings due to getting the kids ready for school and yourself ready for work. Instead of trying to fit in a full hour of Bible study each morning, which might be unrealistic given your schedule, prioritize consistency over quantity by committing to a shorter study session.

For example, you could set aside just 10 minutes each morning before the hustle and bustle of the day begins. During this time, you might read a short passage of scripture, reflect on its meaning, and say a brief prayer. It’s a manageable commitment that you can realistically stick to every day, even on hectic mornings.

Rather than aiming for marathon study sessions that may be unsustainable, focus on making Bible study a daily routine, integrating it into your schedule in a manageable way. Consistency allows the truths of Scripture to sink in gradually and deeply, shaping your thinking and guiding your life.

So, whether it’s a brief moment in the morning or a short reflection before bed, prioritize consistency in your Bible study practice. The steady commitment to seeking God’s word will bear fruit in your life over time.

10. Stay flexible and adaptable.

How to develop bible study habit - stay flexible and adaptable

Remaining flexible and adaptable in your Bible study approach is key to maintaining consistency, especially when life’s demands and unexpected circumstances arise. Here are some ways to stay flexible:

  • Utilize Audio Resources: When your schedule is packed or you’re on the go, consider listening to audio Bible recordings during your commute, while exercising, or during household chores. This allows you to engage with scripture even when you’re unable to sit down with a physical Bible.
  • Make Use of Technology: Take advantage of Bible study apps on your smartphone or tablet. These apps often offer various translations, reading plans, and study tools that can be accessed anytime, anywhere. Whether you have a few minutes to spare during your lunch break or while waiting in line, you can easily dive into God’s word.
  • Find Alternative Study Environments: If your usual study space is unavailable or disrupted, be open to studying in alternative environments. Whether it’s a quiet corner in a coffee shop, a park bench, or even a different room in your home, adapt to your surroundings to maintain your study routine.
  • Be Creative with Time Management: Look for pockets of time throughout your day where you can squeeze in short study sessions. This could be during breaks at work, while waiting for appointments, or even before bedtime. By being intentional with your time, you can consistently engage with the Word of God.

Remember, the goal is not to stick rigidly to a specific study routine but to consistently seek God’s truth and nourish your spirit, regardless of the method or environment. Stay flexible, adapt to life’s changes, and continue to prioritize your relationship with God through regular engagement with His word.

Apply what you learned

The ultimate goal of studying the Bible isn’t merely to accumulate knowledge, but to understand God’s principles for living and to apply them in our daily lives. We strive to align ourselves with His will and purpose, seeking to live in a manner that pleases Him.

It’s essential to remember that Bible study isn’t an academic exercise; it’s a transformative journey of faith. The insights we gain from scripture are meant to be put into action. As Christians, our true measure isn’t how much we know, but how faithfully we apply that knowledge in our daily walk.

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Undoubtedly, establishing a consistent habit of Bible study can be challenging, especially in the beginning. There may be times when we falter or struggle to stay on track. But even in those moments, we mustn’t lose heart.

Take a moment to reflect on the noble Christian endeavor you’ve undertaken and the profound impact it’s having on your spiritual life. Reconnect with the passion and purpose that initially inspired you to prioritize Bible study. By anchoring yourself in your underlying motivation, you’ll find the resilience and determination needed to press on, even in the face of adversity.

Most importantly, seek God’s help. You are not alone in this journey. God sees our sincerity and our earnest desire to learn and grow. While setbacks may occur, what matters most is our perseverance and determination to press forward.

There’s no better time than today to start reading the Bible and making it a regular part of your life. Commit to this noble endeavor and begin applying the truths you discover. By doing so, you’ll not only deepen your faith but also become a more effective and impactful Christian, living out God’s principles in a tangible way.

Join Teach Us to Pray Course

If you find this blog helpful, please consider supporting this work by enrolling in one of the best courses, Teach Us to Pray. This is a perfect course to give a coherent structure to your Bible study.

In this course, you will learn:

  • What the Bible really teaches about prayer
  • How to pray like Jesus Christ
  • How to pray a prayer that God will hear
  • The 17 Powerful Reasons Why You Should Pray
  • and so much more.

If you’re interested, please visit our Becoming Christians Academy website. It should then tell you more about the Teach Us to Pray course. Join us today and see where your Bible study and prayer life can bring you!

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About the Author

Joshua Infantado is the founder of the Becoming Christians website and the Becoming Christians Academy, an online course. Since 2013, he has been writing Christian articles, and he launched his own YouTube channel. Joshua is deeply passionate about sharing the Word of God and supporting people in their Christian journey.

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