The Powerful Lessons From David in Ziklag

Surprising Lessons from Ziklag in the Bible!

Explore the profound lessons derived from the biblical account of King David’s experience in Ziklag, revealing insights on handling discouragement, disappointment, and the consequences of straying from God’s guidance. Be empowered with wisdom on how your decisions shape your destiny, the influential force of self-talk, and the awe-inspiring strength that blossoms when you earnestly seek…

Who was blind Bartimaeus in the Bible?

Bartimaeus, meaning the son of Timaeus, was a blind man living in Jericho. He was healed by Jesus Christ, who was about to leave the city. The story is found in Mark 10:46-52. A similar story can be found in Matthew 10:29-34 and Luke 18:35-43. It’s quite interesting that Mark mentioned the name of the blind…