7 Life-Changing Lessons from Psalm 119:11

Psalm 119:11 tells us to hide God’s word in our heart. While this verse seems to be so easy to understand, there are actually a lot of powerful lessons behind its simple words.

7 Powerful Lessons from Psalm 119 11

For this reason, I strongly encourage you to read my latest blog, “7 Powerful Lessons from Psalm 119:11.” In this blog you will learn:

  • What does it mean to hide God’s word in your heart?
  • Why should we treasure God’s word?
  • How do we store up God’s word in our heart?
  • How does hiding God’s word helps us overcome sin?
  • and so much more!

So, if you want to improve your understanding of one of the most popular verses in the Bible, you shouldn’t miss this golden opportunity. Read my blog and discover what King David really mean when He wrote, “Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You.”

P.S. Do you want to read the Bible from cover to cover? If yes, then check out our online course, “Read the Bible in 365 Days.” This is no ordinary guide because it gives you daily reflections on what you read. In short, it will dramatically improve your understand of the Bible as you read it completely. So, check out our course to learn more!

Published by joshuainfantado

Hello, dearest Readers! I AM JOSHUA, a Filipino, brother, friend, teacher, lover, adventurer, inspirer, Joker, observer, learner, student of life, blogger, and a servant of God. I hope through my blogs, you will learn something and share it with other people. This life is too short to be spent in chasing the wrong things. So we better put our priority in line with our Creator's will. My blogs will make you smile, laugh, think, and even cry. Please stick around and read my blogs. Together, let us live this life to the fullest!

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