Worship God Even in the Darkest Time of Your Life

In this video blog, we will study the response of Job when he lost almost everything in his life. As a result, we want to learn how we must still seek to worship God even in the midst of our trial.

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Imagine this:

You woke up one day and you realized you lost almost everything in your life.

You lost all your money in the bank.

You lost your house, your car, your phone, laptop, and virtually all your material possession.

You have also lost your job.

Everything that you have worked hard for was all gone.

How would you feel?

How would you respond?

Would you feel depressed?



Perhaps, you would start questioning God’s wisdom and love for you.

But do you know that this is what happened to Job thousands of years ago.

Actually, his experience was worse.

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In just one day, bad news upon bad news came to his attention.

He lost his sheep, camels, goats, and oxen.

He has also almost all of his servants.

Now, if that’s not enough, he has also lost his children.

Can you imagine, all of these happening in just a matter of hours?

Yet, what was the response of Job?

Did he became angry?

Did he became depressed, frustrated, or worse, hopeless?

Actually, the opposite happened.

He tore his clothes, shaved off his head, and then this:

He fell down to the ground and worshiped God!

Remember, this is the same man who have lost almost everything in just a few hours.

This is the same man who has lost his children.

Yet, he said:

Naked I came from my mother’s womb,
And naked shall I return there.
The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away;
Blessed be the name of the Lord.”

Job 1:21

That is just amazing!

I remember when I lost my phone.

I was depressed.

I can’t stop thinking about my phone.

Yet, this man lost more than just a phone.

He lost his wealth and family.

But he still find the opportunity to praise and worship God in the midst of his trial.

Are you able to say these words?

When you have lost something, can you say, “The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away, blessed be the name of the LORD.”

I want to leave you with these questions, my friend:

When your problems, difficulties, and trials come your way, do you still find the strength to worship God?

I hope you do.

I’m Joshua of Becoming Christians.

That’s it for today.

See you next time. 🙂

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