📅 Trust God with all your hearts – Daily Bible Reading

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November 1, 2022

Today’s reading: Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust God with all your hearts

We read in Proverbs 3:5-6:

5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;

6 In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths. 

Trusting God is easy when things are going on according to plan. What’s difficult is when you need to trust Him when you don’t understand.

That’s why, in moments of trials, we have two options: we either trust God or trust ourselves. We might think that it is wiser to trust our own understanding. After all, we can want to choose the most logical and rational choice even if it is against God’s will and purpose.

However, that’s not what we must do. God can see everything. He is infinitely wise. He can see the bigger picture. In short, He is the best source of understanding and thus, He is the One that we should trust.

God is unlimited. We are limited. God is infinite. We are finite. God sees clearly. We see things blurry.

As a result, we must acknowledge Him in our ways. This means that we pray to God and seek His guidance. It also means that we don’t make any decisions without His help.

Acknowledging God means we remember Him. We give Him the proper recognition.

When we do this, God will then direct our paths. God can’t direct our paths if we don’t trust Him, if we lean on our own understanding, and if we don’t acknowledge Him.

God can only direct those who are willing to submit to Him. Yes, God is powerful, but He will not force us to do what He wants for us.

However, when we trust God and acknowledge Him, that’s the time when we can be directed by God. He will direct every step that we take. He will show us the path. Ultimately, He will lead us to eternal life.


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