321 Insights: How to Overcome Sin

Welcome to our weekly 321 Insights newsletter where every Thursday, I share 3 blogs, 2 lessons, and 1 Biblical question.

3 Blogs

  1. Discover the 10 ways to overcome sin (and other helpful tips you shouldn’t miss!)
  2. Why you should STOP caring too much about what others think (and what you should do instead)
  3. Does God Exist? (Here Are 7 Proofs That Will Strengthen Your Faith)

2 Lessons

Lesson no. 1: God of Wonders

Do you know how wonderful God is? How awesome He is? And how magnificent His creation is?

To answer this question, I would like to share with you an old, but powerful video entitled, “God of Wonders.”

I strongly believe that every Christian should watch this documentary about God’s creative power!

I have also listed a selection of the best Christian movies you should watch right now.

Lesson no. 2: Life without filters

In this age of social media, it is so easy to compare our life with the perfect life of other people.

However, you should realize that you’re up for a great disappointment when you try to compare yourself with the people on social media.


Because life in social media is posted with filters.

People only post the happy side of their lives.

You don’t see the struggles, the pain, and disappointments.

They only post the highlights and not the lowlights.

So, stop comparing yourself to others.

The thing is that everyone has their struggles in life.

You may not see it but God has given each of us different curricula.

We are unique in every way and thus, it is unfair to compare yourself to others.

The Apostle Paul wrote:

“For we dare not class ourselves or compare ourselves with those who commend themselves. But they, measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise” (2 Corinthians 10:12).

Instead of comparing yourself to others, compare your current self to your old self.

Aim to be better each day both physically and spiritually!

1 Bible Question

I found an interesting photo on Facebook and I thought of sharing it with you.

Here’s the photo.

In this photo, you’ll be asked to pick three people from the list who you want to sit down and talk to. 

Here are my 3 picks:

  1. Adam – I want to know more what happened in the beginning and how things turn out later in his life.
  2. Solomon – I want to learn more about life from the wisest king of Israel. I also want to know the lessons he learned from both the successes and failures in his life.
  3. John the Beloved – I want to talk to the closest friend of Yahshua (Jesus). As an Apostle who is known to write a lot about love, I also want to learn from him.

How about you?

Who are your top 3 picks and why?

Share you answer below and join the conversation. 🙂

Final words

That’s all for me.

See you again next week for another round of our 321 Insight.

May God keep you all away from danger and let His will be done in your life.


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