The Father You Have Sadly Forgotten

The Father You Have Sadly Forgotten.png

In this day of remembrance of the great fathers out there, there is one particular father that is often forgotten.

Do you know who he is?

He is our Heavenly Father.

According to the Bible, the god of this world and the god this world worships is Satan, the devil (II Corinthians 4:4). In this world ruled by the evil one, it is not difficult to see that God the Father is often depicted as a distant God who is out of touch from His children.

Those who even have heard of God don’t even know who He is. Most, if not all, don’t even know His true name. Sad but true.

Most often than not, we only call upon our Heavenly Father when things are not going according to plan. When we are in the midst of the storm, we cry out to Him in desperation and as a last resort. When things go well and we are in smooth sailing, we simply ignore Him and put Him in the backseat of our lives.

When you look at Christianity today, some mistakenly thought that God is harsh, cruel, and unreasonable, while Christ is love, gracious, and kind. Thus, it is not surprising to see that a lot of people would simply focus on Jesus rather than the Father.

Now, I’m not saying that Jesus or more properly known as Yahshua, is not worthy of worship. He is God as well who deserves our love, adoration, and attention. But it is just sad to see how most Christians today forget about the Father.

In this Father’s Day, may we not forget the Father who gave us life. He took care of us while we are still in the womb and has given all our needs. He has sustained us every second of our lives.

He wanted to develop a close relationship with you and me. He is calling us to start walking according to His statute, law, and commandment – not to limit our freedom, but to help us live a more fulfilling and blessed life.

Yahweh has nothing but good for us. He has our best interest in mind. He offers something that no other father or any human being could give us – eternal life.

If you want to know more about our Heavenly Father, please take time to read the following blogs:

If you’re looking for books for fathers, you might as well read, Top 10 Best Christian Books Every Father Should Read. It lists some of the Christian books that will guide you to be a better father to your children.

Father’s Day is for all the great fathers out there who work so hard for their children. This day is also for those who serve as a father to their loved ones. This day is for all those who wake up each morning not for themselves, but for their family.

May this day also remind us that we have a Heavenly Father who loves us beyond measure – who is willing to even give up His Son just to redeem us from our sins. May this day teach us that Yahweh seeks an intimate relationship with us and He invites us to know Him better.

May we not forget our Father.

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The Power of His Word (Updated, 3D)

The Power of His Word

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