5 Fatal Mistakes You Should NEVER Do While Waiting for God (and What to Do Instead)

Waiting can be very difficult for many of us. However, there are things you should NOT do while waiting. Here are 5 things you should never do while waiting for God and what you should do instead.

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I started to tap my left foot with my arms folded across my chest.

I glance at my wristwatch from time to time. It has been 10 minutes already since I started falling in line and waiting for my turn to pay my bills.

I stole a peek at the wall clock of the room and wonder why it ticked so slow every time I am in a hurry. The clock was working perfectly fine and yet, it looks like it was broken.

If you are like me, there are times when waiting can be very frustrating and stressful. Perhaps, you also have that experience where all you want is to fast forward the hands of time and simply end your ordeal.

In a world where faster is better, instant gratification is glorified. Technology has come a long way where we don’t have to wait too long anymore for things to happen. Thus, it is not surprising to see that a lot of people are impatient.

Remember how painful, stressful, and irritating it is to wait for your food delivery man to arrive when you are hungry; wait for the car in front of you to start moving when the green light went off; wait for your next paycheck especially when you don’t have enough money; wait for your ride to arrive; wait for your turn in the doctor’s clinic; and even wait for your wife or husband to get ready.

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There’s no doubt: waiting has its unique way of making us stressed, restless, and anxious. While the things I mentioned above are considered to be small and not that serious, there are also big things you have to wait for a long time.

Perhaps, you are waiting for the love of your life to arrive or to have a child. Maybe, you are waiting for that big but ever elusive promotion in your company. Or possibly, you’re waiting for the healing of an illness, your dream home, car, school graduation, vacation, and other unfulfilled dreams.

Waiting is really difficult and because we don’t like waiting, we do some stupid mistakes along the way – mistakes that could lead to bigger problems. If we are not careful, we can become impatient and commit sin.

For this reason, I would like to share with you five things you should NEVER do while you are waiting for God and what to do instead.

5 Fatal Mistakes You Should NEVER Do While Waiting for God (and What to Do Instead)

Point no. 1: Don’t be envious (instead, commit yourself to God)

One of the biggest mistakes you’ll ever make while waiting for God is to focus on others. When you are waiting, you might be tempted to look at others and see how they don’t have to wait anymore because they have received what they were asking for.

In life, sometimes we ask, “Why did God give him a husband or wife?  He’s/She’s even younger than me?” “Why did that person has a brand new car? I work harder than him.” “Why did God healed that person? I prayed more fervently than him.”

Initially, being envious seems to be gratifying. It can even make us feel justified and more righteous than God. However, sooner or later, as what Proverbs 14:30 tells us, it will rot our bones. It means that we will eventually be hurting ourselves.

So, what should we do instead? Psalm 37:5 tells us:

Commit your way to the Eternal,
Trust also in Him,
And He shall bring it to pass.

The word commit here is interesting. It came from the Hebrew word, galal which literally means to roll. The same Hebrew word was used Genesis 29:10 where it says, “Jacob came near and rolled the stone from the well’s mouth.”

The idea here is clear. God wants us to roll our worries, troubles, and problems toward Him. If the weight and burden of waiting are too heavy that we can’t handle it anymore, we simply roll them on the shoulders of the Father.

If you wake up every day with a heavy heart, disappointment, and frustration because of waiting, God wants you to roll them to Him. We simply present it to our Father and let Him handle it from there.

Psalm 37:5 tells us that after committing our way to God, we need to also trust in Him. You need to trust God that He has a bigger plan than what you have.

Remember this one thing: A no from God isn’t a rejection, but rather, a redirection.

So, instead of envying, feeling discontent, and depressed, commit yourself to God. Not only that but trust in Him as well. And then what will happen? “And He shall bring it to pass!” It might not be the way you want it to be, but it will be the way that’s best for – which is something far greater than what you have hoped for.

Point no. 2: Don’t put matters into your own hand (instead do the work of God)

You know why it is sometimes too difficult to wait for God’s answer?

It is because we don’t have all the details. From our perspective, we strongly believe that we have everything figured out. The only thing missing is God’s approval.

In ourselves, we think that we are ready for marriage, but God says “no, you’re not ready yet to become a parent.”

In ourselves, we think we are ready for that promotion, but God says, “no, you’re not ready to take on a bigger responsibility.”

We might think that we are ready for a car loan, but God says, “My child, you will eventually lose that car as well as your money because you can’t keep up with the monthly payment.”

Remember when Abraham and Sarah couldn’t wait anymore for God, what happened? Sarah gave Abraham Hagar and had a son. The result? Continuous fighting between the descendants of Isaac and Ishmael.

Remember as well when Saul who couldn’t wait anymore for Samuel to come. Because Saul was impatient, he took matters into his own hands. He offered an unlawful sacrifice to God. Just when he finished presenting the burnt offering, Samuel arrived. This mistake had cost him his kingdom. You can read the story in I Samuel 13.

How about you? I’m sure you can also share a story where you grew impatient for God to move that you just took matters into your own hand. In my case, the costliest and stupidest mistakes in my life happened when I didn’t wait for God.

Brethren, it is important for us to realize that God is NOT obligated to work within our timeframe. He has his own plan and we have to respect that.

We have to wait for God.

quote about God's perfect timing

The best thing about this, friends, is that we can have the confidence that God’s timing is perfect – never early, never late.

When God says He will resurrect Christ after three days and three nights, He did resurrect Christ at exactly three days and three nights. He didn’t resurrect him three days, three nights, and a few hours. No, he resurrected Christ exactly three days and three nights, at a millisecond accuracy.

Now, if God can be relied upon in doing a great miracle, how much more will He use His perfect timing in answering your prayer, right?

So, instead of putting matters in your hand, what should we do?

We need to do the work of God.

Galatians 6:9-10 tells us:

And let us NOT grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.

Do not waste the time when you are waiting for God’s answer.

There’s work to do.

Don’t let disappointments and discouragement prevent you from doing what is important.

While you are waiting for that promotion, why don’t you keep on giving your best at work? While you are waiting for your wife or husband, why don’t you prepare yourself physically, financially, emotionally, and spiritually? While you are waiting for Yahshua or Jesus Christ to return here on earth, why don’t you concentrate on preaching the Gospel and working out your own salvation?

Waiting does not mean you don’t do anything. Sometimes, God wants to see how we behave while we are waiting. When He sees we are ready, then the sweet reward comes.

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Point no. 3: Don’t place your joy in what you asked for (instead, place your joy in God)

Do you know why it is painful and sometimes, depressing, for us to wait? It is because we place our joy in what we asked for.

We tell ourselves and God that we will be happy when we receive what we asked for. As a result, we lose the joy that we get from the things that God has already given us.

Waiting forces us to ask and answer the question, “What is our ultimate delight?”

If our delight is in what we get, then waiting will feel like a heavy boulder that we have to carry around.

So instead of having our joy in what we receive, what should we do?

We must place our joy in God.

If our ultimate joy is in God, whether He grants our request or not, we would still be joyful and happy. Waiting won’t be that painful and difficult anymore since we are enjoying the process of waiting instead of enduring it.

Point no. 4: Don’t forget the blessings in your life (instead, be thankful)

During our wait, if our focus is on the things we want to receive, we could lose sight of the things God has already given us.

It is a fatal mistake to feel neglected by God just because He didn’t grant your request right away.

So, instead of forgetting God’s blessings, be thankful.

Philippians 4:6-7 tells us:

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

The Apostle Paul tells us that every time we present our request to God, we must couple it with thanksgiving. Why? Because it sets the right attitude within us. It sets the right frame of mind to help us remember there’s more to be thankful in our life. Whether God grants our request or not, we must still be thankful.

Point no. 5: Don’t grow weary (instead, stay faithful in God)

Waiting can be tiring. Because we become impatient for God’s promises, our exhaustion may lead to anger, frustration, and doubt.

However, God promises us that those who wait upon Him will renew their strength and obtain encouragement from Him. We read in Isaiah 40:29, 31:
He gives power to the weak,
And to those who have no might He increases strength…
But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.

Yes, waiting can be exhausting, but it will only be exhausting if you rely on your self rather than on God. If the source of your strength is you, then you are up for a big disappointment. However, if you make God as your Source of strength, then, as what Isaiah said, you shall mount up with wings like eagles, run and not be weary, and walk and not faint.

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So, instead of being tired, what should you do?

We need to stay faithful to God.

Sometimes, God makes us wait to test our faith in Him. Are we simply following Him because of the things we can possibly get from God? Or are we following God because we love Him?

Thankfully, if you endure, waiting can actually be beneficial to you. It can help you develop a stronger and bolder faith. Like a diamond formed under pressure, your faith would also shine brighter after it has been through the fire.

No matter what happens, you need to make a commitment that you will stay faithful in God. You can have faith knowing that God has our best interest in mind. No matter what happens, whether you wait longer than you should be or God will grant your request or not, our faith should stay strong.

After all, our faith does not come from what we receive from God, but from our trust in Him.

Will you wait for God?

These are the biggest mistakes that you will commit while waiting for God. Thankfully, you don’t have to commit these mistakes, but instead, do what is right and pleasing to God.

So my dear friends, stand still, wait upon the LORD, for He is doing something greater than anything you have ever expected. God’s plan is BIGGER than any of our disappointments. Be at peace. Be hopeful. And most importantly, be confident that God will one day end your wait!

P.S. Do you have anything else to add to this list? Please feel free to leave a comment below. Finally, please share this blog to your friends if it has benefited you. 🙂

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16 thoughts on “5 Fatal Mistakes You Should NEVER Do While Waiting for God (and What to Do Instead)

  1. The Apostles asked Jesus: master increase our faith Yet me as a Teaching Priest my faith is being increased by search mortivations for iron sharpens an iron
    God bless you keep it up

  2. Thank you for sharing these helpful reminders! They come in handy through every stage of life because we’re usually always waiting for something. Contentment often seems either unattainable or fleeting.
    Point 5 was encouraging for me to keep going, keep waiting, keep relying on God.
    I definitely struggle with points 2 & 3 most. In my arrogance, I think I can make this situation better than my loving Lord can. I’ve manipulated things before and I never want to slip back into such a low place.
    On top of that, once I finally receive a gift from God, I am so quick to elevate that gift above Him. I begin to worship and find my worth and identity in that gift, rather than the exceedingly gracious Giver.
    Our Lord is so kind to forgive such forgetfulness, haughtiness and utter disregard for His will!

    • Thanks for sharing your insight, Emma. I know it is not easy to wait for God and there are just a lot of things that can distract us while we are waiting.

      I pray that you find the strength to keep on going and ensuring that you become more and more pleasing to God each passing day.

  3. Thank you for your article, it was very helpful for me to keep my eyes firmly on God. We tend to get caught up in living in the world and forget we are to set ourselves apart from it, through endurance and long suffering, we must never forget the Author and finisher of our faith Yahshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ) Whose promises will be fulfilled. God bless you Joshua…

  4. Thank you for your encouraging words, i have gained strength and have known the right way to wait upon the lord in prayer, may the lord almighty bless you in a special way for the sacrifice.

  5. Hello,

    I am so tired of waiting for God to make Himself known. Tired of never getting a yes to prayers. Tired of waiting in silence. Tired of waiting for promises to be kept. Tired of waiting for God to reveal “my” purpose. Tired of nothing from God. Tired of hearing others complain about waiting weeks or months for God to respond. Tired of hearing about a season of waiting. Tired of being disappointed. Tired of being hopeless. Tired of being ignored. Tired of having nothing of God in my life. 42 years of waiting, and counting, for God. What was the longest wait in the Bible? I believe that was 40 years. I’m now 54 and still no involvement in my life from God. It hurts to realize that God cares so little about me that He won’t make His presence known.

    Thanks and God bless you, in Jesus holy name, Amen.

    • Hi Kenneth,

      I’m sorry to hear about the problem you’re going through. I hope I can sit and talk with you personally.

      For now, may I ask, what are you doing while you wait for God?


      • I pray, I read my Bible, I talk to God. I listen to the silence while I wait. I have told God how I feel about His silence and absence. I try to figure out how to get homeless people off the street without any skills, talents, abilities, or finances. I try to figure out what my specific God given purpose. Impossible without the above things, which God hasn’t supplied to me. From my perspective God has dropped the ball. 42 years of nothing from God or of God in this life. I’m stuck in poverty and God is nowhere to be found. Seek and you will find, not in this life. I feel neglected and ignored by God. I might be wrong, but I believe that I have waited for God longer than anyone in the Bible did. I have never experienced God’s presence. Where are you Father?

        God isn’t here for me.

        Thanks and God bless you, in Jesus holy name, Amen.

        On Tue., Jan. 25, 2022, 8:29 p.m. Becoming Christians, wrote:

        > joshuainfantado commented: “Hi Kenneth, I’m sorry to hear about the > problem you’re going through. I hope I can sit and talk with you > personally. For now, may I ask, what are you doing while you wait for God? > Regards, Joshua” >

  6. I waited 26 years for God to heal my only child who was born severely disabled, but it never happened and she died six years ago. My dreams of having a family, being a mother and not a caregiver, watching my child take her first steps, going to school, getting married, and having a family of her own are never going to happen. What’s worse is that my mom died right after my first birthday, my dad died 23 years ago, my child has died, and all indicators point to my husband cheating on me – again. I’m an only child, don’t have any family or friends I can turn to and when I turn to God all I get is silence. Ten months of the last year of my child’s life was spent in the hospital where I did everything I could to witness Jesus Christ to everyone I came in contact with. Now that I’m alone, even though I beg God over and over and over to help me, to comfort me, to show me His love, all I get is silence. It’s been six long years of waiting on God to do something, anything, but it hasn’t happened and I’m tired of waiting.

  7. Sometimes we think we’re waiting on God, but in actual sense, He’s waiting on us.

    Jayne, God wants you to act first before He can answer your prayers.

    When Joshua was faced with an impassible barrier, the floodwaters of the Jordan River stopped flowing ONLY AFTER the leaders carrying the ark stepped in the rushing waters (in faith and obedience).

    (Joshua 3:15-16) .. “Now the Jordan is at flood stage all during harvest. Yet as soon as the priests who carried the ark reached the Jordan and their feet touched the water’s edge, the water from upstream stopped flowing.”

    Don’t wait to feel powerful or confident, move ahead in your weakness. Trusting and obeying God that He will lead you to where you want to go.

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